Saturday 20 March 2010

Postmodernism in 500 days of summer (2009)

- It has a non linear narrative (starts at the end)
- Intertextual- references to other films eg. 'Dirty dancing' song (she's like the wind) and Sid and Nancy.
- Hyperreal with 'The Smiths'
- Cartoon animated bird flys in, interacting with the main character by landing on his shoulder. Pastiche of Disney.
- Cliche line such as "so do you like me?"
- Non diagetic music- the scene imitating a musical where they are dancing in the park.
- Pastiche of a musical.

Not Postmodern
- Contains values
- Remains conventional (boy meets girl, however not straight forward)


Feminism- belief in the principle that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. Feminism involves political, cultural and sociological theories.
Male gaze- By Laura Mulvey, an analysis of media images which suggests that the camera represents a male perspective and as such casts men as subjects and women as objects. In our group project we have a vulnerable female protagonist and use perspective shots that make the audience question who is it that is watching her. Relating to the theory; male gaze.